LIVE Exam Prep Sessions

Jen - Primrose Kitten

Hello lovelies!

I hope you’re feeling the benefits of this Spring weather like we are! It’s definitely making a difference to the soul.

Despite the sunshine, we know you’re probably feeling the pressure now: revision can feel overwhelming, but every bit of effort you put in now brings you one step closer to that feeling that you did ALL you could when you open that envelope in August! Stay focused, keep practicing, and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

To make your revision easier, our GCSE History Masterclasses give you everything you need:
✅ Predicted Papers to test yourself on likely exam topics
✅ Full Video Walkthroughs breaking down every answer
✅ Live Weekly Tutoring for real-time support
✅ Extra Sessions covering key skills and tricky topics

You can even sign up to this on a monthly subscription! Go check out our courses here.

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5 pm - Maths | Foundation - Angle facts

7 pm - Sociology | What are the links between social class and crime?


4 pm - English Language | Planning Using Logos, Ethos, Pathos

5 pm - Biology | Menstrual cycle hormones

7 pm - History | Paper 2 Early Elizabethan England: Elizabethan society in the Age of Exploration, 1558-88


4 pm - English Literature | Lady Macbeth and Womanhood

5 pm - Maths | Circle Theorems (1)


4 pm - Chemistry | Alcohols

5 pm - Physics | Acceleration

6pm - Geography | Coastal management

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4 pm - Chemistry | Reactions of alkenes

5 pm - Chemistry | Carboxylic acids and esters (1)

6 pm Psychology | Types of data


4 pm - Biology | Variation and Genetic Diversity

6 pm Psychology | Biological rhythms

7 pm - Sociology | What are left and right realist solutions to crime?


4 pm - Maths | Algebra – the binomial expansion

5 pm - Biology | Chromosomes and Gene Linkage

7 pm - Environmental Science | Water pollution


4 pm Biology | Adaptations and Natural Selection

5 pm Biology | Exercise and Drugs

Please check your masterclass for exact details on the sessions.

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