The journey to the University of your choice starts a lot earlier than expected. And some people are going to be very surprised that GCSE results can stop you from getting into the university of your choice.

In the majority of cases, once you have the qualification and moved to the next step, the previous qualification doesn't matter anymore. For the majority of you, your GCSEs will just be important in determining what A-Level course you get onto or what A-Level college you get into. But for some of you, your GCSE results are going to be a vitally important part of determining whether you got into universities that you want to or not. As a very basic, you have to have a good grade in your GCSE English and your GCSE maths. A four or a five, and this may vary depending on the university, but some places are going to go even further than that and say you have to get a seven, eight, or nine in five GCSEs. That you have to get eights and nines in a specified set of GCSEs or eights and nines in ten or eleven GCSEs. And some places, while not explicitly saying that GCSEs are essential, might still make them a big part of determining who they invite for an interview and who they reject.

This is because your GCSE results are the only official results you have by the time that you apply. Because the government has removed AS exams, when you apply, you're going to have your GCSE results and your predicted grades. And your predicted grades might be right, or they might be completely wrong. Your GCSE results are a pretty good indication of how you're going to do at A-level. The universities might think that this is a good indication of what you're going to do at university whereas some universities say that is not a good indication and they don't look at it at all. Some universities are also going to require a particular set of GCSE subjects and may need you to make a catch-up course in your first year if you don't have those.

For example, some universities like it if you have a language GCSE, and if you don't have that they want you to do a language module in your first year. Having said all of that, a weak set of GCSE results is not disastrous. A robust set of predicted grades, a reliable reference, and a strong personal statement are going to look good. And in some cases, outweigh an unfortunate set of GCSE results.

Mo's story - What I wish I knew before university

Many people are in the same boat as I was a few years ago, I was the only one out of my group of friends who went to Aston. Therefore; I was petrified about walking in and feeling overlooked. Little did I understand that I had little or nothing to be anxious about! Because I wasn’t the only person by myself; everyone would be the same. From the first lecture you’re in, everyone around you will be trying to make friends, make sure you're doing the same and moving out of your safe zone. Everyone wishes to meet new people and make new friends so ensure you say hi and move on to know everyone you meet!

You don't need to join every group or club at the Fresher's Fair - Universities frequently have a Freshers event where you get so bombarded with societies and night clubs that you often conclude joining three sports activities groups, a film world, a games modern culture and everything among. Don't feel under great pressure to become listed on societies you haven't any involvement in. Think about your passions and what you would like to try and avoid being afraid to provide it a chance!

Remember the students you meet in your first few lectures, be sure to inquire further what events they’re going to and try to hang around with them. Know which are best for you to attend, check up on others if they are attending. That’s very important if you are communicating as you will not continually be on campus to meet new people. Try to attend various events as possible and get to develop your contacts.

Budgeting is the main element to success on campus - budgeting will definitely have to be a major part of your student life. The coffee's you're buying each morning before your 9 am lecture really accumulate, so make an effort to resist enticement. Bring a treat from home or a travel mug with a hot drink in; this will minimize you from buying out every time. Get yourself a notepad and devote it to finances; split up your bills and exactly how much everything costs. This will highlight how much you will need to save for bills on a monthly basis and exactly how much you can devote to yourself. Don't go crazy!

Reading lists or library? - You might have found out about the feared long reading lists which you have to buy every book. This is not always the situation. Don't buy every book before you begin university as your library might have all you need! Some literature you'll need during your colleges years, whereas, some you're better off just loaning.

The library is going to be where you may spend most of your time over summer and winter so make use of it correctly. My University has an excellent library with every publication on my reading list. Take a look out before spending unneeded levels of money on books for your course. Also understand how to work with the library systems, such as finding online publications, because these comes in handy!

Add everyone on Facebook - Whether you prefer Facebook or not, it's fairly useful if you are at university. Add your course mates along with people you met in fresher's week, this way you'll keep in mind who they are and can probably bump into them on campus. Facebook is the most readily useful as it pertains to group work. You will possibly not want to start looking for them one by one, so adding everyone in your group on Facebook will help you to have group chats and plan conferences. Societies also use Facebook as a means of getting in touch with everyone so ensure you sign up for all the groupings and remain updated.

Socialize with people on campus - Having someone on campus makes life so, so, easier! Whether you're returning from a particular date, late dinner, library session or maybe want to settle before your 9 am lecture; It is also simply perfect for those long spaces in-between lectures, and you will have a fresh destination to revise!

Networking is so important as students. It could impact job opportunities when you have graduated, and it can benefit massively in obtaining a great final quality! When opportunities to meet important professional people happen do not miss them because you never know when that interconnection might come in very useful. Remember to expose yourself and make an optimistic, lasting impression.

On campus opportunities - Get involved! Through the University student Union, learn to be a Student Ambassador, there are several paid jobs on campus that you can try. It certainly is good to earn somewhat of money to take care of yourself with, and it'll look amazing on your CV! Don't only give attention to the paid assignments, however the voluntary ones too. As long as you're on campus, you may as well help build your CV at the same time.

The first year will count - During first 12 months there are always some students that come to classes with the mindset that generally does not help get to the final level. First, yr is extremely important in providing you with various tools to help you through your university years.

You don't have to surpass the college student stereotype - Some students, including myself, love making a to-do list, getting things done and fulfilling ourselves with a good movie and glass of tea. Don't let the scholar stereotype pressure you into performing a certain way at the University. You will discover a wide variety of types of students that I'm sure you will get you to definitely have a movie and PJ's nights with.

Freshers' flu is not really a myth - I laughed when confronted with folks who explained about Freshers' Flu. Surely me, with the disease fighting capability of metallic, wouldn't be pulled down with a cold? I had been wrong, and also have stayed wrong every Sept since. Freshers' Flu is real; you'll get it, therefore, will everyone around you together with your tutors. Prepare yourself!

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